Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Hey people of Pandanda! Red, Cocoaz, and Arctic here, owners of the Red Pandanda Blog! We are very excited to be working for this blog! This blog is based on the game Pandanda, which you can visit in the following link - . Here's a word from Red-
Hi i'm Red,
I have been playing Pandanda for a LONG time! infact, this is my 3rd account to be on Pandanda. I'm really happy to finally have my own Pandanda blog! There are ALOT of cool things to see on this blog! Like Funny Pics, the Red Pandanda Chat, etc. There will be more put in the blog as time moves on. So cheak the blog out, it's super awsome!
And here's a word from Arctic-
Hey guys I'm Arctic,
I also have played Pandanda a LONG time lol. Every since like 3rd grade (and that was a LONG time ago haha). This is my 4th blog to work for! Our (Red and I) team name is Red Pandas (tho i'm gold xD). So far the blog looks awsome lol! There will be tunes of new stuff every time you cheak it. So cheak out the blog, theres supreum awsomness garnanteed ;)
And of course a word from Cocoaz-
Hi, I'm Cocoaz,
As some of you know I play on an account called NinjaCub, so if you ever need to find me, that's the account I'll be on. I'm VERY gla to be working here at Red Pandanda Blog! It's a magnificent
blog to work with! I love Pandanda! It's a seriously awesome game, you can do anything (WAY BETTER then Club Penguin)! AND you will LOVE the blog too! Cya!
So we hope that you will have an awsome time visiting the blog and hope that you visit again!
So leave a comment and tell how much you like the blog!